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Estaciones a mi alrededor (Season Around Me) - English

Product Number: NES7605
Ready Readers books are designed to support multiple levels of literacy or pre-readers to emergent readers, from listening to books read aloud to reading them independently. Each book is less than 175 words, with ATOS levels ranging from .5 to 2.0 Photos, illustrations, and vocabulary callouts are carefully coordinated to maximize reader support throughout, and are further supported with a picture glossary at the end of the book. Ready Readers books also feature table of contents and chapter headings, which support literacy instruction and the introduction of reference skills. Available in Spanish and English! Title GRL-Spanish GRL-English ¡Hormigas por todas partes! (Ants Everywhere!) G F Hambriento de gusanos (Hungry For Worms) E D Nuestro día nevado (Our Snowy Day) G E Sembrando semil



Ready Readers books are designed to support multiple levels of literacy or pre-readers to emergent readers, from listening to books read aloud to reading them independently. Each book is less than 175 words, with ATOS levels ranging from .5 to 2.0 Photos, illustrations, and vocabulary callouts are carefully coordinated to maximize reader support throughout, and are further supported with a picture glossary at the end of the book. Ready Readers books also feature table of contents and chapter headings, which support literacy instruction and the introduction of reference skills. Available in Spanish and English! Title GRL-Spanish GRL-English ¡Hormigas por todas partes! (Ants Everywhere!) G F Hambriento de gusanos (Hungry For Worms) E D Nuestro día nevado (Our Snowy Day) G E Sembrando semillas (Planting Seeds) G F Frutas de verano (Summer Fruits) D C ¿Qué ves? (What Do You See?) D C